Lin Greta / 2020.5.13
HTC health care team (DeepQ) announced today that it has collaborated with Taichung Veterans General Hospital (TCVGH) to build a “VR OSCE Center” that uses FundamentalVR for orthopaedic surgery training.HTC health care team (DeepQ) announced today that within the “VR OSCE Center” – VR (Virtual Reality) will be used as its main technology application. FundamentalVR is the chosen simulator for orthopaedic surgery with other types of simulation looking at brain waves and patient communication and more, to achieve a new generation of clinical training.The HTC DeepQ team explained that with the technologies of VR (Virtual Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality), there is no need to build physical scenes and equipment. Various medical scenarios are reproduced in the simulation center to allow physicians and medical personnel exposed to VR to continue to practice and improve surgical skills according to learning needs, without having to consider certain restrictions.The HTC DeepQ team added that the “VR OSCE Center” breaks through the limitations of traditional clinical training that requires both moving places and general teachers. The simulation can accurately provide quantitative objective data such as the operation time at each stage. The simulation provides objective evaluations of clinical learning objectives, with the ability to review and improve 360-degree multi-angle playback creating a new generation of teaching methods.
TCVGH implemented FundamentalVR which is accredited by the Royal College of Surgeons of England and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) to give physicians and medical personnel access to rehearse and practice before the surgery. When wearing the VR headset, they will enter a virtual operating room where they can choose operating instruments and practice step by step. Furthermore, they are able to experience the touching through the HapticVR technology as if they are practicing real surgery. Physicians and medical personnel can practice 5 kinds of orthopaedic surgeries and examine the procedures by themselves. The practice result of each step is recorded and provided to the clinical mentors and students for reference in a data dashboard.
Edward Chang, president of HTC DeepQ, said that “the establishment of TCVGH VR OSCE Center is a major milestone in medical virtual reality simulation training. It combines the characteristics of VR with actual clinical experience to implement teaching applications and research in vertical fields, so that hospitals and schools can access the world’s top medical VR applications through the DeepQ VR teaching platform, and you can also extend your practice at home.”
Tsu-Yi Hsieh, chief of the Clinical Competence Center of TCVGH, said that “if doctors needed to learn from the top surgeons in the United States, in the past, they would need tens of hours of flight time to enter the operating room of foreign hospitals. Because of the unlimited use and remote learning, you can enter the different top hospitals in the world, anytime and anywhere according to the surgery you need to learn.”
Source of the article:Fundamental Surgery